
Food is Life! Let's Come Back to The Table and Enjoy It Together.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Roast Pork Tostada with Fresh Guacamole and Pico De Gallo

Here is the last dish on the latin food week. I experimented a bit with the pork loin roast, some peppers, dry sherry, lime juice, and a few other ingredients and wow this has tons of flavor. From the first bite to the last the flavor just hits your mouth each time and sends your tastes buds tingling. Ingredients and how I cooked it will come soon. I have all these new recipes written down in a notebook and I am trying to condense them a bit as far as the procedures are concerned. I have to make sure that I have all the ingredients written down right as well before I post them. I will have the recipes up sometime mid week.

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