
Food is Life! Let's Come Back to The Table and Enjoy It Together.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Bulgogi With Sprouts and Bok Choy

We have been MIA for awhile but here is another dish both delicious and nutritious. I learned how to make bulgogi from my sous chef at work who is Korean. It is simple and has amazing flavors. We used bok choy and bean sprouts but lots of veggies are always encouraged with this dish. The recipe will stay with me for now. There are a few things I would like try with it first before I post it. We would really love to see and hear about the foods you are cooking so shoot us a message on Facebook so we can post your cuisine as well. ~Two Food Junkies~ PS I will be posting some essays of mine that I have written recently about the food industry. Hopefully they will educate you guys on what is happening to our food supply.

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