
Food is Life! Let's Come Back to The Table and Enjoy It Together.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have been taking sometime to look through the blog and have notice that over the course of the last year we have been doing this our plating and food has gradually become better in all aspects. It has really helped me to experiment with new cooking techniques and plating ideas. I hope one day that all my creations will bring a smile to those who eat it. I want to bring people together through cooking. We all share the need to eat why not strive to make it all taste amazing. Nature has given us all the wonderful tools we need to prepare foods with unlimited possibilities. I am so very grateful for this journey I have taken. Mandi has inspired me to push further, to try and make things better each time. I am so very grateful for her guidance and support. One day hopefully I will be able to share my love and passion for amazing cuisine with those who are willing to join in the adventure.

I have been putting together a log book of all my recipes and ones I have learned. It has been a daunting task as I never realized how much food I have actually prepared. There are hundreds of recipes I have on hand and most of them derived from my own experimentations. Sometime next week I hope to begin to show others my passion and my personal progress in the world of food.

I challenge everyone to go outside your comfort zone. Buy ingredients you normally would not, use them, learn how they taste in combination with other ingredients. I guarantee it will not be a waste of time.

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