
Food is Life! Let's Come Back to The Table and Enjoy It Together.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Creamy Pasta with Tomato Herb Sausage

Mascarpone cheese is an amazing gift to the chef. Creamy, subtle, with just a hint of sweet, and a dash of tangy.

I have some left over basil, spinch, and grape tomatoes from the last dish I cooked so I came up with this dish. Used some sweet Marsala along with a few other ingredients including a fabulous tomato herb sausage we found at the local grocery store.

It turned out exactly the way I wanted it.

If anyone is interested in the recipe please let me know. Also I am debating on whether or not to put recipes back up. I figured if someone liked the way a dish looked then they could ask me for the recipe but Mandi says people just want to see it up. I am not sure what I am going to do though.

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