
Food is Life! Let's Come Back to The Table and Enjoy It Together.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fresh Zesty Salsa

Something simple to add to the list, only a few ingredients and not much time at all to prepare.

1. Three Roma Tomatoes
2. 1 can diced italian spiced tomatoes
3. One hand full of fresh cilantro vary amount depending on the strength you want the flavor.
4. Three diced garlic cloves
5. 1 teaspoon seasalt
5. hot pepper of your choice or none at all
6. hand full of onions
7. two pinches cane sugar

Put all ingredients into a food processor or good blender, chop the ingredients up do not puree, salsa is chunky, not the crap Americans call the good stuff where it is tomato sauce not salsa!

Blend well on chop until cilantro is fully mixed in

Place entire blended contents on the stove, medium high, and bring to a low bubble, cook for about 10 minutes, take off stove and place in container in the refrigerator, wait till next day, all flavors will have mixed well, enjoy!

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