
Food is Life! Let's Come Back to The Table and Enjoy It Together.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

The Jambon-Beurre on Steroids

So what is Jambon-Beurre you ask?  In Paris, it is a sandwich of bread, ham, and butter.  Now take that simple yet astonishingly pleasing idea and add brie, green apples, and cracked black pepper.  You get a simple flavor combination explosion in your mouth.

The Recipe:
French Baguette
Boars Head Tavern Ham or similar, salty, slightly sweet, quality sliced ham.
Prosciutto De Parma 
Double cream brie
Thinly sliced sour green apples
Unsalted butter
Cracked black pepper

1.  Throw it all on the bread.  Press it hot and crisp.  Be prepared for a food coma.

It is that easy!

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